Sub-health is defined by the World Health Organization as a state between health and disease when all necessary physical and chemical indexes are tested negative by medical equipment, things seem normal but the person experiences all kinds of discomfiture and even pain.
The main symptoms of sub-health is body fatigue, difficulty in recovering after rest, body-ache, insomnia, lack of appetite, depression, anxiety, stress, fear, bad temper, palpitation, dizzy head and vision, and general lack of strength. The World Health Organization found that 10% of world adult population are in sub-health condition. If you feel this 10% is not a big deal, think again. The 10% is not shared evenly among the world population. Due to various reasons, some industrialized societies and some developing societies are the most seriously hit. Long term stress, overloaded physical or mental work, environmental pollution, unhealthy food habits, disordered timetable, all pose to push us into this condition. Actually, the sub-health condition is often found among the groups of people with high educational level who play key role in various fields.
Is sub-health detectable? Of course! By measuring bio-energy of 12 Meridians based on traditional Chinese medicine theory, your sub-health condition will be detected within a few minutes.