It is very good for the following problems:
Insomnia, high blood pressure, high blood fat, constipation, gastric and intestinal diseases, fatigue, arthritis, soft tissue hurt.
It is good for the following problems:
neurasthenic, menopause synthesizes, poor appetite, Skin disease, Cervical vertebra disease, waist leg painful.
It is helpful for the following problems:
Prostate gland, headache, fracture, Soft Bone substance, diabetes.
It is very good for the following problems:
Insomnia, high blood pressure, high blood fat, constipation, gastric and intestinal diseases, fatigue, arthritis, soft tissue hurt.
It is good for the following problems:
neurasthenic, menopause synthesizes, poor appetite, Skin disease, Cervical vertebra disease, waist leg painful.
It is helpful for the following problems:
Prostate gland, headache, fracture, Soft Bone substance, diabetes.
- People carrying pacemaker
- People whose heart, lung and kidney function with serious crack-up
- People in fever
- People of infectious disease
- People who diagnosed cancer or malignant tutor
- Pregnant woman
- People of acute bleeding or acute disease
- Patient after cardiac operation